Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Research Paper 1 part 1

(Yeah, it's an essay. Yes, I didn't cite my work. My English teachers are weeping in sorrow. I am sorry teachers but I was too lazy. )

According to common sense, I mean science, the are about three different types of hair in the world. These three are curly, wavy and straight. All three types at their core are the same. They all have the same three layers of cuticle, cortex, and medulla. Besides these three layers, the is also a protein called Keratin that is the main component of all hair types.

So how come if every hair is composed of the same substances are the different types of hair? The answer to that is due to the shape of each person's hair follicles. And of course, as you may or may not know a person's hair follicles depend on the racial background of said person. For instance, a person of Asian descent has round to oval follicles, a Caucasian person has oval shaped follicles and a person of Afro descent has oval to elliptical hair follicles.

What does this mean? It means that thanks to a person of Asian descent hair follicles being in a round to oval shape they are birthed with straight to wavy hair. And a person of Caucasian descent thanks to their hair follicles being in an oval shape their hair comes out being wavy to curly. It also means a person of Afro descent will be birthed with light curly to very very curly sometimes label collied hair thanks to their hair follicles being in the shape of an oval to elliptical.

Now besides the shapes of each person's hair, the is also density, thickness, and growth rate as well. A person hair thickness, density, and growth rates also depends upon a person's follicles shape. For instance, an Asian person has the fastest growing hair rate, followed by a Caucasian person than an Afro person. This faster growth rate is due to said Asian person hair shape being straight to wavy hair.

However, because an Asian person hair is straight to wavy they actually have less density. Now density is how many hairs per area on a person skull and thickness is an individual hair width. The reason for the fact for a person of Asian descent hair being less dense even though their hair grows at a faster rate is due to the fact that straight hairs are usually not very thick. A thicker hair means a stronger hair and thus less chance of breakage. Curly to very very curly hairs are thicker than straight and wavy hair and so they grow slower but can live longer and thus are denser.

If you notice on average an Asian person hair is usually long but dense/thin, a Caucasian person hair is on average middle length and middle thicker in hair, and an afro person hair is shorter and very much thicker then the other two races. This is all due to their hair follicles.

Now, what does all this has to do with my month-long experiment? Come tomorrow and you will find out when I post up part 2.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Song Choice of the Week

My song choice for this week is "World Collide" by Nicki Taylor. I found this beauty during one of my browsing of the videoes on Youtube in the Star vs. the forces of evil fandom. It was lovely and so epic sounding.

The first time I heard this song, I had like a whole epic tale flash before my eye. I saw a demon infested world filled with giants and zombies marching upon a golden city. And the standing at the gates leading into the city were heroes and heroines ready to fight and die protecting their homeland. It was beautiful. Anyways the video is below.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Plans for the Week

So last week was a mess. In the middle of the week, I was so overwhelmed that all of my plans for that week became a no go as planned. Well, that was last week and this is this week so here is to hoping all I plan for this week I am able to complete on time. So, what are my plans for this week?

Well...on Monday I am as usual posting a post about my plans for this week. Tuesday will be a post about my song choice of the week. Wednesday and Thursday will be a bit different. Since I have decided to start my month-long experiment this month I will be posting up a finding and what led me to do this experiment. In order words, on Wednesday I will be posting up a research paper like post. And each Wednesday of this month and maybe next month if this experiment takes longer then planned I will be continuing one experiment of my choice and until I have gotten the answer that I am seeking or not. On Thursday I will then follow up from Wednesday research to create an Hypothesis which is what the experiment will be based on. On Friday it will be advice as usual. On Saturday I will be posting a chapter of my ongoing online novel "Inhale and Breathe" and on Sunday it will be poem time. Below is how this week is planned out.

Monday = Plans for the week

Tuesday = Song Choice

Wednesday = Research paper for experiment

Thursday = Hypothesis based on said research

Friday = Advice

Saturday = Inhale and Breathe chapter 5

Sunday = poems

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Close your eyes

You closed your eye because you do not want to see
For what you saw was not good
You close your eye because you can not control what you see and that scares you
Zombies, giants, and demons
You see them all for they are mankind future
So you close your third eye and pretend not to know the future
Your eye however like the visions cannot be control 
Silly child, you will see the end no matter what

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Inhale and Breathe

Chapter 4

Holding on tightly to the knife she had taken from the kitchen and was now hiding beneath her pillow, Eve listened closely to the voices coming from the next room over. She was trying to see if the people that she was living with or who had kidnapped her spoke English or not. If they spoke English it would make gathering information about her situation a lot easier.  And with good information that she could use, she could plan out her own rescue and escape.

As she continued to listen the door to the room she in opened and in walked a couple of girls. She could tell they were girls almost women based on their voices. She could also tell that whatever language they were speaking she could understand it as well. It didn't sound like English but she understood it none the less. Which was odd but because she was supposed to be gathering information in order to escape she placed that thought to the back of her mind.

"Do you think she is stay unconscious?" She heard one of the girls say. The girl sounded a bit familiar but Eve could not tell where she knew the girl that was speaking from. It was like a De Ju Vu feeling.

"Who knows and who cares!" Another girl put in. She also sounded liked someone Eve knew or at least heard before. "I am betting she is just faking it so she can skip work. The lazy slut."

Based on the two girls who had entered the room so far statement, Eve guessed it had to do with her and that puzzled her greatly. It sounded as if the other girls knew her well enough and were surprised but her presence. Which was strange if she had just been kidnapped and brought over. Was she not kidnapped after all? But then how did she ended up here? It was strange, so very strange.

"Shh..." A third girl voice joined the other two and Eve heard what appeared to be one of the large chests being opened. "Before Mai hear you guys."

Eve felt a jolt in her system. That name sounded extremely familiar but she could not tell why. Who was Mai and why did she sound important?

"Mai is in the next room over being smitten with that Rainer boy.  I am betting she doesn't even remember that her poor cousin has been laying in bed this whole time unconscious. That little whore." The second girl who had spoken said. The was a bit of bitterness in her voice. Eve had the feeling that this girl who she had decided to call girl B was more than likely in love with this Rainer boy and thus was jealous of this Mai person. And based on what she said it appeared that Mai was her cousin or something. But she didn't remember ever having a cousin named Mai. Who was Mai, she wanted to know badly.

"Oh my," The first girl that had spoken said. "Someone sounds a bit jealous."

"That's because no boy she likes ever like her back." The third girl joined in.

"Shutup!" The second girl shouted and the was laughter.

As the laughter died down, the door to the room opened and another person joined the group. Eve knew it must have been another girl and more than likely this Mai person that the others were talking about.

"What's so funny?" The newcomer asked as the door was reclosed and Eve felt another jolt to her system. The new person voice sounded just liked her cousin Ashley.

"Nothing Mai." The first girl, girl A, answered. "Just poking fun at Jalot."

"Yeah." The third girl spoke. "Jalot was being Jalot as usual."

"Hey!" The girl called Jalot shouted but the others appeared to be ignoring.

"Oh," Eve heard Ash/Mai says then a few seconds later she heard footsteps approached her bed then stopped.

"Has she woken up?" Ashely questioned the other girls. The was so much concern and love in her voice that Eve knew without a doubt that the person speaking was her cousin. "Faya?"

"No. She appeared to stay be unconscious but I have not checked to be honest." The first girl who Eve now knew was called Faya answered. "She could simply be sleeping. What happened anyways? Lady Crowu simply told us she wasn't going to be joining us at the inn this afternoon."

Eve heard Ash now Mai sighed. "I don't know we were watching the Lord and Lady Plugrey twins when she suddenly fell over and began to twitch uncontrollably. By the time we got her back here she had lost consciousness and have been this way since."

Eve hearing Mai story of what happened to placed her in this situation, felt her heart began to pound loudly in her chest. That was not what she remembered. Who was Lad Crowu, and the Plugrey? Who were these people and why was she watching some kids when her blackout had happened. None of this made sense. Yet at the same time, it sort of did. What if she had not been kidnapped? What if the reason she had lost consciousness and blacked out was that someone had been messing around with the timeline? And as time had changed she had felt it? She knew about the Mandela effect so maybe that was why she could recall a different of events than the ones her cousin was stating. Maybe it was also why she could understand whatever language they were speaking even though she knew it was not English. She had heard of this. The concept of time being changed and only a few people being able to remember what once used to be. Was that what was happening? The young woman wanted to know badly.

The was silence in the room then the third girl who name, Eve stay did not know yet spoke. "Do you think it was poison?" She asked. "Or black magic?"

The was another silence then Jelot spoke. "Don't be stupid Yangu! Who would want to poison a nobody like Tafa? And to use black as well? Please!"

"I never said it was meant for Tafa." The girl Yangua replied however before any of the other girls could response back to her statement, someone on the other side of the room door knocked three times and a male voice was heard.

"Hurry up! Lady Crowu is here and she brought food!"

"Coming!" Mai replied in kind and a few minutes later the room that was once filled with talking was once again silence as the girls existed back into the other room area.

Chapter 3

Friday, January 26, 2018

Blogging advice 2

Take breaks from blogging every now and then. It is okay. Your loyal readers will continue to view your blog. So take a breather and let your mind rest. It is good for you. And a better you mean a better blog.

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Today I am taking a break from blogging. See you all tomorrow. Peace and love. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Quote 1

Some times you will try but will end up failing. Don't give up. It is only pratice for the finished product. The more you continued forward the better you will get at what you are aiming for. 
-Jackie Peah 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Week 4 Song Choice

So let's jump right into it. My song choice for this week is "Exs and ohs" by Elle King. I like it because it is upbeat and fun to dance to. And this week I felt like dancing and simply having fun. I found this song while broswing Youtube and the Nyotalia fandom. The Nyotalia fandom is a sub fandom of the Hetalia fandom. Anyways I really fell in love with Elle voice while watching that video. Said video is below.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Plans for the week

It is that time of the week again. That time when I do a plan for the week blog post. So here are my plans for this week.

On Monday I will be posting this post. On Tuesday as usual will be a post about my song choice of the week. On Wednesday I will be doing something a bit different as usual and be talking about my overall impression of blogging so far now that the month is almost to an end or something else. I stay have not decided on what exactly I will be posting on Wednesday. Thursday will be my thoughts on something or someone of interest. Friday will be advice day, all day. Saturday will be a post of the fourth chapter of my ongoing online novel "Inhale and Breathe" and Sunday will be a post on some poem I created this week. Below is how it will look like....

Monday = Plans of the week

Tuesday = Song choice of the week

Wednesday = Something different

Thursday = My thoughts on....

Friday = Advice

Saturday = Inhale and Breathe chapter 4

Sunday = Poem

Sunday, January 21, 2018


Sometimes I forget 
Sometimes I forget that you are my soul mate
Sometimes I forget that you know me so well
Sometimes I forget that my thoughts are like a movie to you
Sometimes I forget that we are connected both mentally and emotionally
Sometimes I forget 
But when I do remember the fear returns and all I want is for you to go away
I hate that with you I am always exposed
That with you the is no such thing as separation
I hate it as much as i long for it
Sometimes I forget and those are the best moments for us because you forget too

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Inhale and Breathe

Chapter 3

While she waited for the others to return, Eve decided to explore the place she had found herself in. With time on her hands, she really took in the details that were surrounding her situation. She found that it was a lot stranger then she had thought.

The upon the walls in place of light balls, Eve found that there were little lanterns and in the middle of said lanterns were very thick candlesticks. The lanterns appeared like the kind used in historical dramas that her youngest sister loved to watch on the weekends. Nothing within the one bedroom home screamed or even hinted at a used of electricity. Which was strange but she guessed whoever took her did not want her getting in touch with someone and escaping. She could understand. If she was going to kidnap someone having a tech or electricity nearby would just be asking for the person to escape. Or at least giving their rescue attempts a higher chance of succeeding.

Now, of course, the thought did cross Eve mind that she might not have been kidnapped. After all what kidnapper leaves the doors unlock and have no one watching the place or her? Then she thought about the fact that the area she was in was not very familiar to her and thus the kidnappers knew this and guessed that she would be unable to escape since the area was a.) not familiar and b.) more then likely the residents did not speak English and thus could help her if she sorted help from them. Besides if that was not the reason why she was in this place then what other reason was there?

So ignoring the inconsistency in her theory that she was kidnapped, Eve decided to continued looking around the one bedroom apartment complex and see if the was anything she could use that could help her escape.

The first place she when in her exploration was the kitchen. She planned on location a knife for herself. Even though she didn't know if the people she was dealing with had a gun on hand, it didn't matter to her. Having a knife on hand helped her feel a bit confident. At least she had something to threaten her kidnappers with. And no she wasn't planning on attacking them, she was planning on threatening them with her own death. It appeared that they had kidnapped her for a reason and that reason ditches that she be kept alive. At least she thought so or she would have been killed while she was unconscious.

Locating a knife just the right size for herself in her opinion, Eve picked it up and continued forward. The next place she searched next was the chests in the one bedroom house. More precisely the ones by the bedroom she had awoken in doorway.

Opening up the first one, she found what appeared to be three small chests with locks on them inside. The second one was also the same as well. Small chests within the large one. It was odd. Closing the chests back up, the young woman then processes to see what was in the large black pots and found what appeared to be someone pee inside. The smell gives it away. Eve guessed that since this place did not appear to have a restroom, these pots were set aside for bathroom use.

Leaving the living/kitchen/sort of second bedroom area, Eve returned to the room that she awoke in and process to check the chests within. She was curious as to if all the large chests had small chests within and if so were they all locked? Opening the first chest in the bedroom that she had awoken in, Eve found it just liked the others. Smalls chests within the large one and all lock. Opening the second one, however, she found that things were a bit different. The were two small chests which locks appeared unlocked. Happy at discovering something different, Eve opened the first small chest closest to her that was unlocked. To her not surprise she found clothes within. They were all dresses, blouses and skirts from what she could see. It appeared whoever this chest belonged to was a girl. Closing the chest, she moved on to the next chest and found the seem thing. A bunch of female clothes.

Finally learning a bit about the persons she appeared to be sharing a room with, Eve closed the last chest and process to check the wall. Now that she knew that the others with her were ladies based on the chests, she became to come to a conclusion as to why she might have been kidnapped even though she was a nobody in her opinion. Maybe she had been kidnapped by a sex slave ring? But why? She was black and most sex slaves ring loved to kidnap White or Asian females instead. So why would one kidnap her? It was just surreal but what other explanation could she come up with for being taken out of her hospital room?

Ignoring the implication of her conclusions for a moment, Eve approached the black spots on the wall across from the bed she had been laying in. She wanted to see if the walls really were covered in black mold. If she was going to be in this place for a while she planned to know if the was a chance that she was going to become sick during the time length. And if it really was black mold she planned on removing it or at least avoiding it like the plague. It was track season. She was one of the star track runners at her university and thus she could not afford to become sick.

Starring at the black spot with all her might, Eve pondered on whether the black substance was black mold or not. It was while she was staring at the mold that she heard a door opened. A few seconds later she heard voices and footsteps coming from the direction of the front door to the place she was in. It appeared her roommates where back. Tossing the black spots a glare one last time, Eve quickly ran back to the bed she had first awoken in and laid back down. She decided the best approach at the moment was to pretend to be asleep and figure what was really going on. Information at the moment was key to figuring out her situation before doing anything just yet.

Chapter 2

Friday, January 19, 2018

Writing Advice 2

So this is something that I have learned since I decided that I am going to aim to write for a living. Right now I am not a full-time author but a part-time one. In other words, I work for a living because my writings are not great enough to gain me the readers I need to become a full-time author. I am hopeful, one day I will make it. At least that is my goal in life at the moment.

Anyways back to what I was saying. So this is something that I learned. And that something is that it is okay to delete a chuck or even a whole chapter of your story. Even if you have worked really hard on it and really really would hate to delete it and start all over again. Sigh. However, I have learned if that chuck or chapter just doesn't fit the overall story, delete it. It will hurt but in the long run, it will be worth it. After all a chapter or passage that causes your reader to go "What? This is stupid. That makes no sense!" is a chapter or passage not worth keeping. So delete it or if that is too hard placed it in a different word document away from the main story.

That is my writing advice for my fellow writers today. Thank you for reading and have a good day.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

My thoughts on....

So today my thoughts are on Instacart. Now you be wondering what is Instacart? Well, Instacart is an app found in the app store that let you order groceries to be delivered to your home. It is meant for people who are unable to head to the stores themselves for whatever reason. Anyways I tried out this app recently due to the fact that I work late into the night. My usual schedule for my job was from 1: 30 pm to 10:00 pm. Sometimes we are told to come in early or leave later than planned. Anyways I tried out the app because I was planning to make a meal for when I got off work but realized that I was out of the materials that I needed.

So what did I do? I used this app to order the ingredients before the stores closed and send to my home. Where I live stores close at 10 pm, right when I am leaving work. Thus you can see my problem. Well, thank God that this app existed because I was able to order what I needed and prepare the meal that I wanted.

Anyways, the first time I tried this app I was super glad however the second time I did I wasn't so pleased anymore. Why? Because I had to pay a lot more when I just wanted a couple of things that cost less than fifty. This disappointed me greatly. So my thoughts on this matter is that I wished the was a app liked that for cheap people like me.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New year's resolution progress

So it has been about two weeks since I wrote about my new year's resolution. Today, I have decided to go back over it and see how far my progress is in regrades to completing each resolution on my list. As a refresher, this is what I wrote last time...

For this year I want to do the following things below...

  1. Lose at least 60 pounds before the year-end. That is about five pounds per month which should equal about 1.25 pounds per week. That sounds about realistic.  I have one of those exercise bikes and according to a couple of websites on google such as, I need to lose about 1500 calories a week to lose one week. That is not bad. If I exercise on the bike for about thirty minutes each day I should be able to my goal of losing 60 pounds in a year. 
  2. Publish at least 3 novels that are 50,000 words or more. I already have the concepts for each novel and now all I have to do is just hash out each event in the novels. 
These two are my personal goal for this year. Now for this blog, these are the following things I would like to accomplish.... 
  1. Post at least once a day and keep up posting throughout the year.
  2. Do an online novel series 
  3. Do a monthly experiment 
  4. Gain at least 5000 views for this blog
  5. Get a domain name
  6. Have fun

As you can see I have both a personal list of resolution and resolution dealing straightly with this blog only. So how far have I come for each and by how many percentages if any? Well for the two personal resolution of losing 60 pounds before the year-end and publishing at least three novels, I have been making some progress.

For the 3 novels a year goal I have already started on that and plan on publishing the first one this coming February 14. I plan on only doing 15 chapters and so far I have completed chapter 1 and is on my way to completing chapter 2. Now you may be thinking "but you had about two weeks what give?". Well, the answer to that is that I at first could not decide on what story to write for my first novel. I finally have it this week so thank God in heaven.

For the losing 60 pounds goal, on that front, I have made some progress but it is not by much. So far I have only lost one pound. But the reason is that I have so many things to do that I barely have time to exercise. If it was not for the fact that being so busy has caused me to also go for hours on end without eating anything to the point that I sometimes only have one meal a day, I doubt I would have been able to lose this one pound.

Now for my personal blog resolution well.... it is coming along okay in some parts. For instance, since I started I have been able to keep my words of posting once a day. I have also been able to post up a chapter once a week for my ongoing online novel "Inhale and Breathe". So far I have only posted two chapters but I already have this week chapter planned and working on it. So the is that.

As for doing a monthly experiment, I have decided to start that next month. Hopefully, by then I will have gotten into the rhythm of doing a blog and having a life outside of said blog as well. So yeah on that resolution I have not gone very far. As for the gain 5000 views for this blog? I believed that is progressing very nicely. So far I have had 461 times this blog has been viewed since I have started it. If things continued this way I should have that 5000 views in less then a year. Here is to hoping that I am right.

 Now, what is my progress on getting a domain name? Well, a dollar has been allocated toward that goal. However, even if I have all of the money on hand to buy a domain name I have decided to wait at least a month or two before buying one. I want to see how well I can do blogging for a month. I really do not want to jump into buying a domain name but find that I can not continue blogging because it is too much to handle or something.

Finally, on my last resolution for this blog, I stated that I wanted to have fun while doing this? So how have I done so far in that department? To be honest not so well. I find that making a blog can be a bit stressful at times. But it is so rewarding as well to know that others are reading what I wrote. So for me this one is a 75 percent fun and 25 percent not so fun when it comes to blogging. This is my progress report so far for my 2018 new year's resolution.  Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Week 3 Song Choice

My song choice for this week are actually two songs. Last week it was three songs but this week it was

only two. The two songs are "Horns" by Bryce Fox with remix by Stelouse and "Backstage " by

Neffex. I fell in love with these two songs this week and ended up playing them many times during the

week. The reason why I fell in love was because at the moment these two songs matched the mood I

was in very well. This week I was feeling very sexy, naughty and super bad. Thus because of my mood

I ended up replaying and sometimes dancing to these two songs. The videoes for each help as well.

 Especially the gmv for the song backstage. Anyways the two songs I was talking about are below.

The first one video is an game music video for the song "Backstage" by Neffex.

The second video is one for "Horns" by Bryce Fox. That image is just beautiful. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Plans for the week

So, last week I did a similar post like this one and like I stated I plan on doing a post like this every week. Not only does doing this help me plan ahead for the week but also give you the viewer an heads up of what is to come for the week. Now then let's get started.

Monday as usual this post will be posted. On tuesday I willbe posting about a song choice of mines for the week. On Wensday I have decided to do a post about how far I have come in my new years resolution now that about two weeks have gone by. On Thursday I will be giving my thoughts and theories on something that interest me for the week. On Friday I will be posting a personal advicce and on Saturday I will post chapter 3 for my ongoing online novel "Inhale and Breathe". And finally on Sunday I will simply be posting up a poem for the week. Everything will look something like below.

Monday = Plans of the week

Tuesday = Song Choice

Wensday = How far have I come in my resolution?

Thursday = My thoughts about....

Friday = Advice

Saturday = Inhale and Breathe chapter 3

Sunday = Poems

Well those are my plans for this week. Until my next post, later.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Inhale and Breathe

Chapter 2

When she came to Eve found herself lying on a very hard and uncomfortable bed. She also found herself in a room that neither resembled a hospital or any of her family members' homes. The room she found herself in was dark, dirty and smelly. The walls appeared to be covered with a dark substance that resembled black mold, the kind that killed. The was no window. But worst of all was the smell. It smelt like sweat, pee, and poop all mixed together. Or liked someone forgot to flush the toilet after using it for days on end. It was an unbearable smell and all the young woman wanted to do was flee from the room and in turn the smell.

Unfortunately, Eve knew better than to get up just yet. Not when she had just blackout for no real reason. Her uncle Paul was someone who worked in the emergency ward as a nurse. And once when she was younger he had fainted at one of their family gatherings due to stress and low blood pressure. Based on that event she knew that when a person fainted, the number one thing they needed to do was to lay down for awhile. To take it slow.

Thus to her horror, Eve found she could not escape. Not yet at least. Not until the lightheadedness and heaviness when away from her body.

So unable to move, to escape for the moment, Eve laid in bed and pondered her situation. She had for some reason passed out due to a sudden pain in her stomach area. When she came to she found herself in this health horror of a room, with its horrifying smell. It was strange. How did she end up here, on this bed and why? Where was her family, her cousin, and everyone in general? Was she kidnapped? And more importantly how was she going to leave wherever here was?

Turning her head, slowly, right and left, trying to assess the situation, Eve found that the bed she was lying on was not the only one in this room. Next to her on either side were beds, four in total. The was one to her left and three to her right. It appeared that she had roommates and currently they were out. Besides the beds, Eve found that there were two large wooden chests by the area a window could have been if one was designed and an iron pot next to it.  Other then the beds, chest and iron pot the were no other items in the room. Not even an electrical socket was in this room.

It was strange. So very strange. Why? Why? Why? Ran throughout the young woman head as she waited for her body to settle down. Why was she here? Was she kidnapped and if so why? Who would kidnap her? Why would anyone kidnap her?

Eventually, the lightheadedness and heaviness in her body decreased and was no more. At least she did not feel it anymore, So Eve tossed the dirty, stinking, blanket that was covering her to the side and swung her legs over the hard and very uncomfortable bed. She stood.

The floor beneath her felt dusty and cold. Not caring for the cold that was drifting to her feet from the ground or the fact that her sock, the pretty green ones her grandmother Rachel had bought her for Christmas, was missing from her feet, Eve began to head toward the only doorway leading out of the room. All she cared about at the moment was leaving this health horror, the black mold, behind and returning to her family. Her annoying but lovely family who would be completely beside themselves if they found her missing from whatever hospital they had taken her to once she fainted. It didn't even cross her mind to ponder how she ended no longer wearing the outfit that she had picked that morning.  Or why the outfit she was wearing was an old torn up dress with a bit more stinks on it then she would ever like.

Grabbing the doorknob to the room that she was in, Eve turned it and pushed the door back. She stepped into what appeared to be an olden time living room/kitchen area. The kind that most historical documentaries would show. Especially those documentaries about the middle ages. The was a large fireplace which judging by the pots hanging next to it serves as a stove, the was a large table and sort of closer to the doorway that she was standing at a couple of those hard and dirty beds. The beds were five in total. Not far from the beds where two large chests and a mid-sized pot. The pot like the one in the room she had just come from did not look like the kind that you cook in.

Blinking back in surprise, Eve bit her lips and frowned. Okay, yeah that was strange. One most places no longer designed their buildings like this anymore and two it appeared not only did she have roommates in this place, but it appeared she had a lot of them. What in God' s name was going on?

Ignoring the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, the curly-haired young woman continued forward to the only other doorway in the area that she was in. She assumed it led to the outside judging by the sounds she could hear coming from there. It sounded like people speaking and moving around. Not once since she woke up had she heard the sound of a car. The young woman tried not to think too much about it. She knew if she did it was going to lead to someplace she rather not go.

Once she reached the door, Eve took a deep breath, her hand shanking and turned the knob. She opened the door and stepped out. Turning her head right then left then right again, the young woman blinked. From what she could tell it appeared that her current location was on the third floor of a building. Next, to the house (?) she just stepped out of were a couple others next to it, above it and below it. It appeared that the area she was in was an apartment complex. A very strange apartment complex but an apartment complex none the less. She came to this conclusion based of the design of the other building across the way. It appeared the building she was in or at least standing before had been built the same way.

Putting all of this information together, the rooms design and now the building design, Eve concluded that she was no longer in Texas. Yet where was she and how did she get here? More importantly where was here and how could she leave? The only people who could give her any sort of answer were whoever had taken her from her hospital room and brought her here.

So blinking back tears, Eve stepped back into the place she had just left and decided to wait for her so-called roommates. Maybe they could tell her where she was. Currently, she had no clue where she was, hadn't notice since she woke up an ouch of any type of technology closed by, and it was almost dark. She wanted to return to her family but it would be foolish to wander the streets of an area she was not familiar with at night and get lost or worst.

Chapter 1                                                                                                       Chapter 3

Friday, January 12, 2018

My thoughts on...Doki Doki Literature club

So I have gotten into the fandom of the game "Doki Doki Literature Club" thanks a to video by matpat on game theory. Anyways while going the materials of the game, the hidden easter eggs I had a couple of thoughts come to me. No most of what I am about to state are spoilers so if you are not very few in the game or you know would like to discover everything yourself please stop reading and go read one of my other posts instead. Thank you. ^.^

Anyways for those of you who do not care or have made it far enough in the game and ended it, let's continue. So, let I was saying that while going through the easter eggs materials on Reddit and over the net, I thought of something. You know how when you decode Sayori character files and you end up going to a website called Well, I thought what if Libitina was a twin? I mean you know how on the website you have XXXXXX a common and then Libitina name and everyone assumed that it was meant to represent Libitina last name? Well, what if it wasn't, what if it was her twin who got termination and that's why she is not recovering as fast? Just a thought.

Also, I think Sayori is Libitina and Monika is her twin or at least the one that got killed, terminated first during the experiment. I think this simply due to the fact that she, Monika, was self-aware first and when she was no longer around Sayori became self-aware next. Kind of the way during the Libitina project the first subject before Libitina had her third eye opened and because of that got terminated something Libitina could not handle. This thought is based on the quote "You are choosing to avoid the measures necessary to prevent a repeat scenario, Doctor." In other words, someone else had their third eye opened first before Libitina. Who was the first aware person in the game and who followed after? Monika and Sayori.

Now, I know most people would say that Yuri fit the bill more because she self-harm but I don't think so. Killing yourself is a form of self-harm and thus Sayori fits the bill stay. Another clue is in the characters age. Most people when they play the game assumes that Yuri is older or something. However, based on the setting being of a Japanse school system and the fact that Yuri never becomes president can clue us in that she is not the eldest. In most Japanese after all clubs, most of the people who are the president of these clubs are seniors and when they leave the next eldest person to become the president or leader of the club. In other words, Monika is the eldest, then Sayori follows by either Yuri or Natsuki.

And so who is Yuri? Yuir is who her character files once decoded stated she is. She is someone who kills. Now you are all thinking but she didn't harm anyone in the game. Well, the reason is actually simple. She didn't harm anyone because she felt guilty for killing Linda in her first life before the game. Yet she has the urge to kill and so she hurt herself instead in order to suppress her urges. In other words, she self-harm so much because she is suppressing her urge to kill all of the other characters who interact with her.

Now the question becomes who was Natsuki in the other life. Well, I think she was the woman that Yuri killed. The reason why I came to this conclusion is due to the way her neck bends in the game, the fact that she can cook and the fact that she is a sort of lonely. She fits the characteristic of the woman Linda that "Mari" killed. The lonely defeated woman.

So who is the woman in Natsuki character files once decoded? I believe it is Monika and she who was the first experiment subject made have been blind. In other words, the third eye was being opened in order to help her see. However, opening up the third eye causes those around said person with the third eye to lose control and become impulsive than usual. That what that poem that Monika writes about simply untieing their mess or something like that means.

Well, those are my thoughts on the matters of this game.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Blogging advice 1

What have I learned so far from starting a blog? Well during the one week that I have had this blog up, I have learned one important thing. The one important thing is to always plan ahead on my posts and never actually wait until the day off to write said post. To do so is just simply stressful. So my advice to anyone thinking of starting a blog, make sure to have all of your posts prepared at least three days to a week in advance. This way when life happens you won't be caught with your thumb in your mouth, panicking. Anyways that is what I have learned from my one week of blogging. What have you learned from blogging so far?

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Inhale and Breathe

So, for my ongoing online story, I decided to make a family tree for the main character Eve Meloks. So far almost all of Eve's family members are stay alive. At least within the last three generations anyways. The reason I am creating a family tree so that you the reader- if you do follow and read "Inhale and Breathe" can at least know who is who and not get confused. Also to help me keep track of who is who and their relationship to Eve as well. -.-

Okay, let's get started. For the members of the first generation, Eve's grandparents on both sides of the family are stay alive. Their names are Lucy and Bill Meloks for her dad side of the family and Rachel and James Goodful for Eve's mom side of the family. Eve also has a couple of great aunts and uncles from both sides of the family, but they live in other states. She also has a great great grandmother that is stay alive and kicking in the state of Washington named Rose Mary Goodful.

For the second generation family members, Eve's aunt and uncles, on her father's side the are four. Their names are Lucy Meloks, Bill Meloks Jr, Paul Meloks, and May Meloks. On her mother's side, Eve has three aunts and one uncle. Their names are Sarah Goodful, Mary Goodful, Rachel Goodful and Peter Goodful jr. Eve's parents' names are Martha and James Meloks.

As for the third generation, which is the generation that main character sits in, the are forty members. Eve's has three cousin from her aunt May named Ashley or Ash, May and James. She has four from her uncle Paul named Justin, Peyton, Martha and Paul jr. She has five cousins from her uncle Bill named Trover, John, Ruth, Mary Anna, and Bill jr. As from her aunt Lucy she has seven cousins who name all started with L. Their names are Lucy, Luke, Levi, Leo, Logan, Leon, and Laurel. Three are adopted kids. In total Eve has nineteen cousins from her dad side of the family.

As for cousins on her mother side of the family that are a total of fifteen kids. Her aunt Sarah had five kids.  Her aunt Mary had three. Her aunt Rachel had four and her uncle Peter had three.  Eve's aunty Sarah kids names are Joesph, Sarah, Dan, Ruth, and Martha. Her three cousins from her aunt Mary are named Hanna, Keith, and Solomon. As for her uncle, Peter's kids their names are James, Levi, and Mark.  And finally but not least Bobby, Rose Mary, Rachel and Peter are the names of cousin birthed by her aunt Rachel.

Now Eve's own parents had six children together. The names of Eve's brothers and sisters are James, Sarah, Thomas, Rachel, and Anna Maria.

Yeah, Eve's family are large. Anyways below is a simple vision of her family tree. 

Eve's Family Tree

 Eve Meloks 

 Martha Meloks + James Meloks 

                                                         ↙                       ↘

                      Rachel Goodful + Peter Goodful                   Lucy Meloks + Bill Meloks 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Week 2: Song Choice

For this week it was a bit hard picking just one song choice of the week. This week the were three songs that just were too likable for me to just pick one of them. Those three songs were "I am the best" by 2NE1,  "Turn your face towards the sun" by Rihanna, and "Dress up for a hit and run" by LoLo

Anyways so how did I ended up with three songs and not just one for this week? Well, I was watching "The magicians" on Netflix and in one of the episodes - the one about robbing a bank- Eliot played "I am the best" by 2NE1 and I loved it. And thus my obsessive taste for said song began, especially after watching that rocking music video

And then, of course, I was going through my youtube when I came across an amv for Legend of Korra and I clicked on it. Surprise, surprise it was the song "Turn your face toward the sun" by Rihana. I didn't really liked the video but the song. The song stole my heart. I simply fell in love. The lyric was so beautiful and I am feeling a bit emo this week. So, I ended up replaying said song many times.

As for the last song "Dress up for a hit and run" by Lolo, I came across it because I am secretly a part of the gravity falls fandom. Anyways I came upon this song while you know browsing the music video section of this fandom on youtube. It made me feel so naughty, the song, that I ended up listening to it more than once. I can't lie that song is so addictive.

So yeah those are my song choice for this week since I couldn't pick just one. Below are the music videoes for each. The first video is the song "Dress up for a hit and run" by LOLO.

This next video is "I am the best" by 2NE1

And finally the music video for "Turn away from the sun" by Rihanna.

Anyways thanks for reading and later.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Plans for the Week

My plans for this week in regrades to this blog are many. Hopefully, all that I plan for this week will be accomplished.

So what are my plans for this week? Well, my plans for this week are very simple. On Monday which is today I plan on posting this post. On Tuesday I will be writing about my song choice of the week that I like and why.  On Wednesday I will be posting a family tree for the main character in Inhale and Breathe -my ongoing online series.  On Thursday I will be writing my thoughts on something that interested me this week. On Friday will be the day I post up an advice. On Saturday I will be posting the second chapter of my ongoing online series. And on Sunday I will be posting up a poem. So this week will go something like this below...

Monday = Plans for the week

Tuesday = Song choice of the week

Wednesday = Inhale and Breathe Main Character family tree

Thursday = Thoughts on...

Friday = Advice

Saturday = Inhale and Breathe Chapter 2

Sunday = Poems

So why am I letting you all know the plan ahead of time for the week? Well... so you the reader do not waste your time viewing posts you do not care about. Instead, you can know what days to expect a post you are interested in and visit this site on those days.  This is for this reason that this post exists and will exist again in the future. Thank you all for reading so far and have a good day.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Before I Leave

I don’t like this

I don’t like the thing that we are becoming

I don’t like the way that we claw and bite at each other

I don’t like the way we tear at each other using our words

I know it hurts but this is not us

Please stop before I leave

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Inhale and Breathe

Chapter 1

It was Friday and that meant returning home because Saturday was family day. The one day out of the week where every member of the Meloks who resided in the state of Texas returned to grandma Lucy house and had dinner. It was traditional. 

Putting on her gloves and hat before standing up from her seat, Eve Meloks told her classmates and friends goodbye. She wasn't going to see anyone of them, in person, for at least two if not more days. And based on past events she doubted she was even going to have the time to be able to even video chat or text any of them while over at her grandma Lucy home. 

"Yeah see you, Eve."

"Drive safely." 

"Bring me back some of your grandmas Lucy's cookies. Those are the bomb!"

Her friends and classmates replied back to her goodbye. They were used to this. They were used to her leaving the city every Friday to visits and hang out with her family. Some envy her closest with her family. Others pitted her. Others had no opinion on the matter. Yet no matter what their feelings on the matter were they all understood when Friday rolled around, Eve left for her grandmas Lucy place and that was all that matter. 

"Yeah sure will do and thanks, everyone."

Grabbing her books and purse, Eve exited the classroom and headed for her university parking lot. The parking lot was built during the eighties and named Fren B after the young woman who family donations built the lot. The lot had been built in memories of their daughter, Fren, who got stabbed to death one day while leaving the university grounds for one of the public parking lots. Most of the public parking lots were about two or more miles away from the university building itself. In order words, they were too far for anyone to walk, especially at night time. Her family built the parking lot so that no other family had to lose their child simply because they were traveling to their car and some druggie decided to rob them for cash for one of their fixes. It is within this parking that Eve's little silver Honda sat, waiting for her return. 

"Hello, Mercy." The twenty-one-year-old greeted her car, a happy smile on her lips. Her car mercy had been in her family for years now and been passed around a lot. It was a wonder that the old thing was stayed working. Which was why Eve named the car once it came into her possession Mercy. Because according to her grandma Rachel it was at the mercy of God that that car stayed ran at all. Eve personal just thought it stayed good because back then car manufacturers didn't make cars just so it could break down easily thus forcing you had to buy a new one every two years or so. In order words, car manufacturers were not just thinking profit like they were now and days. Anyways she liked the name even if she didn't agree to the reason behind it and thus her car was named Mercy. "Miss me?"

Her car liked all inanimate object did not give a reply. That, of course, did not stop Eve from continued talking. She was odd that way. "Of course you did. You sexy beauty. "

Pulling the driver side of her car door open, Eve tossed her books and purse into the passenger's seat and climbed into the Honda. Placing the keys in the Honda's initiator, the young woman turned the key, starting the car, and drove out of the parking lot. Her car radio on loud, blasting music. 


"Turn your face towards the sun." Eve sang along to Rihanna blasting over her radio waves. "And let the shadows fall behind you." This was one of her top hundred favorite songs. 

Pulling behind one of relatives cars parked in front of her grandmother's home, Eve parked her car and stepped out into the cool January evening. Behind her own parked car, another car pulled up. It was her cousins, her Aunty May's kids. Their names were Ash, May and James. Ash was around the same age as Eve while as James and May were younger by two years. May and James were twins. They were annoying. 

"Hey," Eve greeted the three who in turn nodded their heads in her direction. The group of four headed on into the three stories, six bedroom and four baths home. 

When her grandma Lucy and grandpa Bill had first bought the house it had simply been a two bedroom and a bath sort of home. Over the years her grandparents had expended the house upward and a bit sideways. It had cost the old couple ten thousand to buy both the land and house in the seventies now said land and home cost over two hundred thousand in wroth.  If her grandparents ever sold the home they were looking at a ninety-nine point five percent gain in profit. Her grandparents had no such plans of course. To them, the home was a symbol of their struggles over the years and the love that kept the Meloks family residing in Texas together. It was thanks to this home that each of Lucy and Bill five kids where able to get a house of their own. It was thanks to this house that they were able to receive loans from banks to start their own businesses and so on.  This house was the heart of the Meloks family residing in Texas. 

"So did you like lose weight or something?" May, ever the valley girl despite her very dark skin, asked Eve as the group of four entered the three-story, six bedrooms, and four bath house. The nineteen-year-old was what most would classify as a prep in high school. 

Eve rolled her eyes. So typical. May only cared about the physical and thus only talked about that sort of things. Things like a person weight, clothes, makeup and so on. She even had a makeup and fashion tutories channel on youtube. She wasn't miss popular at her college for no reason. 

"No," Eve answered. She was sensitive about her weight and her cousin knew that yet that was always the first thing she asked whenever they saw each other. Eve guessed it was because May was trying to be nice or something. It was annoying. "Just like last week when you asked the same question I have not lost any weight."

"Oh," May said then quickly separated from Eve to join her twin brother James up front. Ash who had been having a conversation with James dropped back so she could talk with Eve. The two had grown up together, when to high school together, and until they turned eighteen and when to college had been inseparable. Three years apart at different universities had not destroyed that closeness.  

"So how is life treating you?" Ash inquired, a gentle smile spread across her lips. Ash was the quite, gentle, creative type among the three siblings. In high school when the two had taken psychology together, she had gotten INFP as her core personality. Eve thought it fit her well.  

"Okay," Eve replied, linking arms with her cousin and best friend. "I had a couple of projects that I may or may not have procrastinated on a bit and so not going to be getting that perfect A. "

The two shared a smile. Both recalling their times in high school, years ago and the sort of trouble they would get into trying to complete a project only to end up procrastinating until the last few hours and then having to pull an all-nighter. It was a miracle that either one of them ended up landing in not only the top percentage of their class but the top five percent at that. 

"But other then that life has been going great. I got asked out the other day by that super cute boy from Ghana that I told you about and I think I finally figure out what major I want to stick with."  The thick curly haired woman finished. "You?"

Ash shook her head, her smile even wilder. "Same as you only I didn't get asked out by a super cute guy from Ghana. That one is all you."

The two laughed again, happy to be in each other company once more. 

"So...give me the dirt on how this whole asked out thing when down," Ash said once they were done laughing and Eve happy to narrater began. 

"Well..." She said being all dramatic. "It was a lovely Tuesday morning and-"

She paused, a flash of pain raced across her face. Oh, that hurt liked a lot. It was almost as if someone had come running toward her at full speed, fists pulled back and punched her midsection. For a moment Eve saw nothing but darkness with flashes of bright lights then she was falling. 

Ash who was only an arm away from Eve moved, quickly, to her aid. Her eyes wideden and her arms shaking. She caught Eve as she fell and helped hold the slightly younger woman up. 

"Hey, you alright?" Eve's cousin questioned her, a concerned look on her face. However, Eve could not hear her. She was in so much pain that she passed out, her body jerking violently. If she was awoke and anyone had asked her hpw she was feeling, Eve would have told them in that moment that it felt like her insides were being ripped apart and rearranged. 

Ash realized that her cousin was not alright, that something was very very wrong, just as she fear. Pulling her cousin closing to herself, tears streaming down her cheeks, Ash short for Ashley began to shout, seeking help. "Someone! Help! Anyone! Help!"

Friday, January 5, 2018

Writing advice 1

When you are writing a story sometimes it is best to just write and not worry too much about the details or you will get lost plotting and in turn losing time. Yet at the same time do have at least a bit of a plan like say an rough outline of the direction in which you as the author wishes for the story to go. This is something I have learned over the year of 2017 when I decided to actually take my writing career a bit more seriously. So yes have an outline with main events plotted but don't let that stop you from getting to the writing business itself. Trust me it helps plenty in getting that novel or short story completed. In other words balance is the key. A balance of ten percent outling and ninty percent writing the actual story. That's all. Good luck follow writers.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Inhale and Breathe

So I have decided for this blog to began an online series. It is going to be a fantasy story and I have no clue when it will end but that is not the important point. The point of this online series is to help hone my skills as a writer and to give my readers, once I publish those novels I plan to publish, can have a taste of my writing style. Anyways below is the summary and the title for the story.

Summary: Eve Meloks was having a typical day when suddenly she blacked out. When she comes to she finds herself in a room that is not familiar and an even unfamiliar world. How did she end up here? Why did she ended up here and more importantly how can she return back home?

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Song Choice- Week 1

The is nothing as dramatic as cheerleaders vomiting glitter. I mean honestly vomiting out glitter. Anyways this is what the video for my song choice of the week and day presents. The song is called "Fantasy" by the band Ms Mr. I fell in love with this song because of its strange video but more importantly because of singer  Lizzy Plapinger voice. It is very lovely in my opinion and so unique. I also love the flow of the song itself and the lyrics.  It speaks to me in a way. Someday I might end up writing a book based on this song. The video and song are below. Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2018 New Year Resolution

So it is the new year and as every year before this one, I am making a resolution for this blog and myself in general. The first part of this post will be on my new year resolution for this year and the second half will be my new year resolution for this blog. Let's get started.

For this year I want to do the following things below...

  1. Lose at least 60 pounds before the year-end. That is about five pounds per month which should equal about 1.25 pounds per week. That sounds about realistic.  I have one of those exercise bikes and according to a couple of websites on google such as, I need to lose about 1500 calories a week to lose one week. That is not bad. If I exercise on the bike for about thirty minutes each day I should be able to my goal of losing 60 pounds in a year. 
  2. Publish at least 3 novels that are 50,000 words or more. I already have the concepts for each novel and now all I have to do is just hash out each event in the novels. 
These two are my personal goal for this year. Now for this blog, these are the following things I would like to accomplish.... 
  1. Post at least once a day and keep up posting throughout the year.
  2. Do an online novel series 
  3. Do a monthly experiment 
  4. Gain at least 5000 views for this blog
  5. Get a domain name
  6. Have fun
That's all I want to do for this year and I hope I complete my goals. What are your goals for the new year? If you would like to share, simply leave a comment. If you are too shy and don't want to leave a comment that's okay too. Until tomorrow. Later all.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

And welcome to the first post on this blog and for the year!

My thoughts on....Nice Guys

So, I was browsing the internet when I came across the "Nice guy" issue. Anyways I got interested in the debate. I read many po...