Monday, January 29, 2018

Plans for the Week

So last week was a mess. In the middle of the week, I was so overwhelmed that all of my plans for that week became a no go as planned. Well, that was last week and this is this week so here is to hoping all I plan for this week I am able to complete on time. So, what are my plans for this week?

Well...on Monday I am as usual posting a post about my plans for this week. Tuesday will be a post about my song choice of the week. Wednesday and Thursday will be a bit different. Since I have decided to start my month-long experiment this month I will be posting up a finding and what led me to do this experiment. In order words, on Wednesday I will be posting up a research paper like post. And each Wednesday of this month and maybe next month if this experiment takes longer then planned I will be continuing one experiment of my choice and until I have gotten the answer that I am seeking or not. On Thursday I will then follow up from Wednesday research to create an Hypothesis which is what the experiment will be based on. On Friday it will be advice as usual. On Saturday I will be posting a chapter of my ongoing online novel "Inhale and Breathe" and on Sunday it will be poem time. Below is how this week is planned out.

Monday = Plans for the week

Tuesday = Song Choice

Wednesday = Research paper for experiment

Thursday = Hypothesis based on said research

Friday = Advice

Saturday = Inhale and Breathe chapter 5

Sunday = poems

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