Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Week 2: Song Choice

For this week it was a bit hard picking just one song choice of the week. This week the were three songs that just were too likable for me to just pick one of them. Those three songs were "I am the best" by 2NE1,  "Turn your face towards the sun" by Rihanna, and "Dress up for a hit and run" by LoLo

Anyways so how did I ended up with three songs and not just one for this week? Well, I was watching "The magicians" on Netflix and in one of the episodes - the one about robbing a bank- Eliot played "I am the best" by 2NE1 and I loved it. And thus my obsessive taste for said song began, especially after watching that rocking music video

And then, of course, I was going through my youtube when I came across an amv for Legend of Korra and I clicked on it. Surprise, surprise it was the song "Turn your face toward the sun" by Rihana. I didn't really liked the video but the song. The song stole my heart. I simply fell in love. The lyric was so beautiful and I am feeling a bit emo this week. So, I ended up replaying said song many times.

As for the last song "Dress up for a hit and run" by Lolo, I came across it because I am secretly a part of the gravity falls fandom. Anyways I came upon this song while you know browsing the music video section of this fandom on youtube. It made me feel so naughty, the song, that I ended up listening to it more than once. I can't lie that song is so addictive.

So yeah those are my song choice for this week since I couldn't pick just one. Below are the music videoes for each. The first video is the song "Dress up for a hit and run" by LOLO.

This next video is "I am the best" by 2NE1

And finally the music video for "Turn away from the sun" by Rihanna.

Anyways thanks for reading and later.

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