Friday, January 12, 2018

My thoughts on...Doki Doki Literature club

So I have gotten into the fandom of the game "Doki Doki Literature Club" thanks a to video by matpat on game theory. Anyways while going the materials of the game, the hidden easter eggs I had a couple of thoughts come to me. No most of what I am about to state are spoilers so if you are not very few in the game or you know would like to discover everything yourself please stop reading and go read one of my other posts instead. Thank you. ^.^

Anyways for those of you who do not care or have made it far enough in the game and ended it, let's continue. So, let I was saying that while going through the easter eggs materials on Reddit and over the net, I thought of something. You know how when you decode Sayori character files and you end up going to a website called Well, I thought what if Libitina was a twin? I mean you know how on the website you have XXXXXX a common and then Libitina name and everyone assumed that it was meant to represent Libitina last name? Well, what if it wasn't, what if it was her twin who got termination and that's why she is not recovering as fast? Just a thought.

Also, I think Sayori is Libitina and Monika is her twin or at least the one that got killed, terminated first during the experiment. I think this simply due to the fact that she, Monika, was self-aware first and when she was no longer around Sayori became self-aware next. Kind of the way during the Libitina project the first subject before Libitina had her third eye opened and because of that got terminated something Libitina could not handle. This thought is based on the quote "You are choosing to avoid the measures necessary to prevent a repeat scenario, Doctor." In other words, someone else had their third eye opened first before Libitina. Who was the first aware person in the game and who followed after? Monika and Sayori.

Now, I know most people would say that Yuri fit the bill more because she self-harm but I don't think so. Killing yourself is a form of self-harm and thus Sayori fits the bill stay. Another clue is in the characters age. Most people when they play the game assumes that Yuri is older or something. However, based on the setting being of a Japanse school system and the fact that Yuri never becomes president can clue us in that she is not the eldest. In most Japanese after all clubs, most of the people who are the president of these clubs are seniors and when they leave the next eldest person to become the president or leader of the club. In other words, Monika is the eldest, then Sayori follows by either Yuri or Natsuki.

And so who is Yuri? Yuir is who her character files once decoded stated she is. She is someone who kills. Now you are all thinking but she didn't harm anyone in the game. Well, the reason is actually simple. She didn't harm anyone because she felt guilty for killing Linda in her first life before the game. Yet she has the urge to kill and so she hurt herself instead in order to suppress her urges. In other words, she self-harm so much because she is suppressing her urge to kill all of the other characters who interact with her.

Now the question becomes who was Natsuki in the other life. Well, I think she was the woman that Yuri killed. The reason why I came to this conclusion is due to the way her neck bends in the game, the fact that she can cook and the fact that she is a sort of lonely. She fits the characteristic of the woman Linda that "Mari" killed. The lonely defeated woman.

So who is the woman in Natsuki character files once decoded? I believe it is Monika and she who was the first experiment subject made have been blind. In other words, the third eye was being opened in order to help her see. However, opening up the third eye causes those around said person with the third eye to lose control and become impulsive than usual. That what that poem that Monika writes about simply untieing their mess or something like that means.

Well, those are my thoughts on the matters of this game.

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