Saturday, January 13, 2018

Inhale and Breathe

Chapter 2

When she came to Eve found herself lying on a very hard and uncomfortable bed. She also found herself in a room that neither resembled a hospital or any of her family members' homes. The room she found herself in was dark, dirty and smelly. The walls appeared to be covered with a dark substance that resembled black mold, the kind that killed. The was no window. But worst of all was the smell. It smelt like sweat, pee, and poop all mixed together. Or liked someone forgot to flush the toilet after using it for days on end. It was an unbearable smell and all the young woman wanted to do was flee from the room and in turn the smell.

Unfortunately, Eve knew better than to get up just yet. Not when she had just blackout for no real reason. Her uncle Paul was someone who worked in the emergency ward as a nurse. And once when she was younger he had fainted at one of their family gatherings due to stress and low blood pressure. Based on that event she knew that when a person fainted, the number one thing they needed to do was to lay down for awhile. To take it slow.

Thus to her horror, Eve found she could not escape. Not yet at least. Not until the lightheadedness and heaviness when away from her body.

So unable to move, to escape for the moment, Eve laid in bed and pondered her situation. She had for some reason passed out due to a sudden pain in her stomach area. When she came to she found herself in this health horror of a room, with its horrifying smell. It was strange. How did she end up here, on this bed and why? Where was her family, her cousin, and everyone in general? Was she kidnapped? And more importantly how was she going to leave wherever here was?

Turning her head, slowly, right and left, trying to assess the situation, Eve found that the bed she was lying on was not the only one in this room. Next to her on either side were beds, four in total. The was one to her left and three to her right. It appeared that she had roommates and currently they were out. Besides the beds, Eve found that there were two large wooden chests by the area a window could have been if one was designed and an iron pot next to it.  Other then the beds, chest and iron pot the were no other items in the room. Not even an electrical socket was in this room.

It was strange. So very strange. Why? Why? Why? Ran throughout the young woman head as she waited for her body to settle down. Why was she here? Was she kidnapped and if so why? Who would kidnap her? Why would anyone kidnap her?

Eventually, the lightheadedness and heaviness in her body decreased and was no more. At least she did not feel it anymore, So Eve tossed the dirty, stinking, blanket that was covering her to the side and swung her legs over the hard and very uncomfortable bed. She stood.

The floor beneath her felt dusty and cold. Not caring for the cold that was drifting to her feet from the ground or the fact that her sock, the pretty green ones her grandmother Rachel had bought her for Christmas, was missing from her feet, Eve began to head toward the only doorway leading out of the room. All she cared about at the moment was leaving this health horror, the black mold, behind and returning to her family. Her annoying but lovely family who would be completely beside themselves if they found her missing from whatever hospital they had taken her to once she fainted. It didn't even cross her mind to ponder how she ended no longer wearing the outfit that she had picked that morning.  Or why the outfit she was wearing was an old torn up dress with a bit more stinks on it then she would ever like.

Grabbing the doorknob to the room that she was in, Eve turned it and pushed the door back. She stepped into what appeared to be an olden time living room/kitchen area. The kind that most historical documentaries would show. Especially those documentaries about the middle ages. The was a large fireplace which judging by the pots hanging next to it serves as a stove, the was a large table and sort of closer to the doorway that she was standing at a couple of those hard and dirty beds. The beds were five in total. Not far from the beds where two large chests and a mid-sized pot. The pot like the one in the room she had just come from did not look like the kind that you cook in.

Blinking back in surprise, Eve bit her lips and frowned. Okay, yeah that was strange. One most places no longer designed their buildings like this anymore and two it appeared not only did she have roommates in this place, but it appeared she had a lot of them. What in God' s name was going on?

Ignoring the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, the curly-haired young woman continued forward to the only other doorway in the area that she was in. She assumed it led to the outside judging by the sounds she could hear coming from there. It sounded like people speaking and moving around. Not once since she woke up had she heard the sound of a car. The young woman tried not to think too much about it. She knew if she did it was going to lead to someplace she rather not go.

Once she reached the door, Eve took a deep breath, her hand shanking and turned the knob. She opened the door and stepped out. Turning her head right then left then right again, the young woman blinked. From what she could tell it appeared that her current location was on the third floor of a building. Next, to the house (?) she just stepped out of were a couple others next to it, above it and below it. It appeared that the area she was in was an apartment complex. A very strange apartment complex but an apartment complex none the less. She came to this conclusion based of the design of the other building across the way. It appeared the building she was in or at least standing before had been built the same way.

Putting all of this information together, the rooms design and now the building design, Eve concluded that she was no longer in Texas. Yet where was she and how did she get here? More importantly where was here and how could she leave? The only people who could give her any sort of answer were whoever had taken her from her hospital room and brought her here.

So blinking back tears, Eve stepped back into the place she had just left and decided to wait for her so-called roommates. Maybe they could tell her where she was. Currently, she had no clue where she was, hadn't notice since she woke up an ouch of any type of technology closed by, and it was almost dark. She wanted to return to her family but it would be foolish to wander the streets of an area she was not familiar with at night and get lost or worst.

Chapter 1                                                                                                       Chapter 3

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