Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New year's resolution progress

So it has been about two weeks since I wrote about my new year's resolution. Today, I have decided to go back over it and see how far my progress is in regrades to completing each resolution on my list. As a refresher, this is what I wrote last time...

For this year I want to do the following things below...

  1. Lose at least 60 pounds before the year-end. That is about five pounds per month which should equal about 1.25 pounds per week. That sounds about realistic.  I have one of those exercise bikes and according to a couple of websites on google such as, I need to lose about 1500 calories a week to lose one week. That is not bad. If I exercise on the bike for about thirty minutes each day I should be able to my goal of losing 60 pounds in a year. 
  2. Publish at least 3 novels that are 50,000 words or more. I already have the concepts for each novel and now all I have to do is just hash out each event in the novels. 
These two are my personal goal for this year. Now for this blog, these are the following things I would like to accomplish.... 
  1. Post at least once a day and keep up posting throughout the year.
  2. Do an online novel series 
  3. Do a monthly experiment 
  4. Gain at least 5000 views for this blog
  5. Get a domain name
  6. Have fun

As you can see I have both a personal list of resolution and resolution dealing straightly with this blog only. So how far have I come for each and by how many percentages if any? Well for the two personal resolution of losing 60 pounds before the year-end and publishing at least three novels, I have been making some progress.

For the 3 novels a year goal I have already started on that and plan on publishing the first one this coming February 14. I plan on only doing 15 chapters and so far I have completed chapter 1 and is on my way to completing chapter 2. Now you may be thinking "but you had about two weeks what give?". Well, the answer to that is that I at first could not decide on what story to write for my first novel. I finally have it this week so thank God in heaven.

For the losing 60 pounds goal, on that front, I have made some progress but it is not by much. So far I have only lost one pound. But the reason is that I have so many things to do that I barely have time to exercise. If it was not for the fact that being so busy has caused me to also go for hours on end without eating anything to the point that I sometimes only have one meal a day, I doubt I would have been able to lose this one pound.

Now for my personal blog resolution well.... it is coming along okay in some parts. For instance, since I started I have been able to keep my words of posting once a day. I have also been able to post up a chapter once a week for my ongoing online novel "Inhale and Breathe". So far I have only posted two chapters but I already have this week chapter planned and working on it. So the is that.

As for doing a monthly experiment, I have decided to start that next month. Hopefully, by then I will have gotten into the rhythm of doing a blog and having a life outside of said blog as well. So yeah on that resolution I have not gone very far. As for the gain 5000 views for this blog? I believed that is progressing very nicely. So far I have had 461 times this blog has been viewed since I have started it. If things continued this way I should have that 5000 views in less then a year. Here is to hoping that I am right.

 Now, what is my progress on getting a domain name? Well, a dollar has been allocated toward that goal. However, even if I have all of the money on hand to buy a domain name I have decided to wait at least a month or two before buying one. I want to see how well I can do blogging for a month. I really do not want to jump into buying a domain name but find that I can not continue blogging because it is too much to handle or something.

Finally, on my last resolution for this blog, I stated that I wanted to have fun while doing this? So how have I done so far in that department? To be honest not so well. I find that making a blog can be a bit stressful at times. But it is so rewarding as well to know that others are reading what I wrote. So for me this one is a 75 percent fun and 25 percent not so fun when it comes to blogging. This is my progress report so far for my 2018 new year's resolution.  Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.

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