Saturday, January 6, 2018

Inhale and Breathe

Chapter 1

It was Friday and that meant returning home because Saturday was family day. The one day out of the week where every member of the Meloks who resided in the state of Texas returned to grandma Lucy house and had dinner. It was traditional. 

Putting on her gloves and hat before standing up from her seat, Eve Meloks told her classmates and friends goodbye. She wasn't going to see anyone of them, in person, for at least two if not more days. And based on past events she doubted she was even going to have the time to be able to even video chat or text any of them while over at her grandma Lucy home. 

"Yeah see you, Eve."

"Drive safely." 

"Bring me back some of your grandmas Lucy's cookies. Those are the bomb!"

Her friends and classmates replied back to her goodbye. They were used to this. They were used to her leaving the city every Friday to visits and hang out with her family. Some envy her closest with her family. Others pitted her. Others had no opinion on the matter. Yet no matter what their feelings on the matter were they all understood when Friday rolled around, Eve left for her grandmas Lucy place and that was all that matter. 

"Yeah sure will do and thanks, everyone."

Grabbing her books and purse, Eve exited the classroom and headed for her university parking lot. The parking lot was built during the eighties and named Fren B after the young woman who family donations built the lot. The lot had been built in memories of their daughter, Fren, who got stabbed to death one day while leaving the university grounds for one of the public parking lots. Most of the public parking lots were about two or more miles away from the university building itself. In order words, they were too far for anyone to walk, especially at night time. Her family built the parking lot so that no other family had to lose their child simply because they were traveling to their car and some druggie decided to rob them for cash for one of their fixes. It is within this parking that Eve's little silver Honda sat, waiting for her return. 

"Hello, Mercy." The twenty-one-year-old greeted her car, a happy smile on her lips. Her car mercy had been in her family for years now and been passed around a lot. It was a wonder that the old thing was stayed working. Which was why Eve named the car once it came into her possession Mercy. Because according to her grandma Rachel it was at the mercy of God that that car stayed ran at all. Eve personal just thought it stayed good because back then car manufacturers didn't make cars just so it could break down easily thus forcing you had to buy a new one every two years or so. In order words, car manufacturers were not just thinking profit like they were now and days. Anyways she liked the name even if she didn't agree to the reason behind it and thus her car was named Mercy. "Miss me?"

Her car liked all inanimate object did not give a reply. That, of course, did not stop Eve from continued talking. She was odd that way. "Of course you did. You sexy beauty. "

Pulling the driver side of her car door open, Eve tossed her books and purse into the passenger's seat and climbed into the Honda. Placing the keys in the Honda's initiator, the young woman turned the key, starting the car, and drove out of the parking lot. Her car radio on loud, blasting music. 


"Turn your face towards the sun." Eve sang along to Rihanna blasting over her radio waves. "And let the shadows fall behind you." This was one of her top hundred favorite songs. 

Pulling behind one of relatives cars parked in front of her grandmother's home, Eve parked her car and stepped out into the cool January evening. Behind her own parked car, another car pulled up. It was her cousins, her Aunty May's kids. Their names were Ash, May and James. Ash was around the same age as Eve while as James and May were younger by two years. May and James were twins. They were annoying. 

"Hey," Eve greeted the three who in turn nodded their heads in her direction. The group of four headed on into the three stories, six bedroom and four baths home. 

When her grandma Lucy and grandpa Bill had first bought the house it had simply been a two bedroom and a bath sort of home. Over the years her grandparents had expended the house upward and a bit sideways. It had cost the old couple ten thousand to buy both the land and house in the seventies now said land and home cost over two hundred thousand in wroth.  If her grandparents ever sold the home they were looking at a ninety-nine point five percent gain in profit. Her grandparents had no such plans of course. To them, the home was a symbol of their struggles over the years and the love that kept the Meloks family residing in Texas together. It was thanks to this home that each of Lucy and Bill five kids where able to get a house of their own. It was thanks to this house that they were able to receive loans from banks to start their own businesses and so on.  This house was the heart of the Meloks family residing in Texas. 

"So did you like lose weight or something?" May, ever the valley girl despite her very dark skin, asked Eve as the group of four entered the three-story, six bedrooms, and four bath house. The nineteen-year-old was what most would classify as a prep in high school. 

Eve rolled her eyes. So typical. May only cared about the physical and thus only talked about that sort of things. Things like a person weight, clothes, makeup and so on. She even had a makeup and fashion tutories channel on youtube. She wasn't miss popular at her college for no reason. 

"No," Eve answered. She was sensitive about her weight and her cousin knew that yet that was always the first thing she asked whenever they saw each other. Eve guessed it was because May was trying to be nice or something. It was annoying. "Just like last week when you asked the same question I have not lost any weight."

"Oh," May said then quickly separated from Eve to join her twin brother James up front. Ash who had been having a conversation with James dropped back so she could talk with Eve. The two had grown up together, when to high school together, and until they turned eighteen and when to college had been inseparable. Three years apart at different universities had not destroyed that closeness.  

"So how is life treating you?" Ash inquired, a gentle smile spread across her lips. Ash was the quite, gentle, creative type among the three siblings. In high school when the two had taken psychology together, she had gotten INFP as her core personality. Eve thought it fit her well.  

"Okay," Eve replied, linking arms with her cousin and best friend. "I had a couple of projects that I may or may not have procrastinated on a bit and so not going to be getting that perfect A. "

The two shared a smile. Both recalling their times in high school, years ago and the sort of trouble they would get into trying to complete a project only to end up procrastinating until the last few hours and then having to pull an all-nighter. It was a miracle that either one of them ended up landing in not only the top percentage of their class but the top five percent at that. 

"But other then that life has been going great. I got asked out the other day by that super cute boy from Ghana that I told you about and I think I finally figure out what major I want to stick with."  The thick curly haired woman finished. "You?"

Ash shook her head, her smile even wilder. "Same as you only I didn't get asked out by a super cute guy from Ghana. That one is all you."

The two laughed again, happy to be in each other company once more. 

"So...give me the dirt on how this whole asked out thing when down," Ash said once they were done laughing and Eve happy to narrater began. 

"Well..." She said being all dramatic. "It was a lovely Tuesday morning and-"

She paused, a flash of pain raced across her face. Oh, that hurt liked a lot. It was almost as if someone had come running toward her at full speed, fists pulled back and punched her midsection. For a moment Eve saw nothing but darkness with flashes of bright lights then she was falling. 

Ash who was only an arm away from Eve moved, quickly, to her aid. Her eyes wideden and her arms shaking. She caught Eve as she fell and helped hold the slightly younger woman up. 

"Hey, you alright?" Eve's cousin questioned her, a concerned look on her face. However, Eve could not hear her. She was in so much pain that she passed out, her body jerking violently. If she was awoke and anyone had asked her hpw she was feeling, Eve would have told them in that moment that it felt like her insides were being ripped apart and rearranged. 

Ash realized that her cousin was not alright, that something was very very wrong, just as she fear. Pulling her cousin closing to herself, tears streaming down her cheeks, Ash short for Ashley began to shout, seeking help. "Someone! Help! Anyone! Help!"

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