Saturday, January 27, 2018

Inhale and Breathe

Chapter 4

Holding on tightly to the knife she had taken from the kitchen and was now hiding beneath her pillow, Eve listened closely to the voices coming from the next room over. She was trying to see if the people that she was living with or who had kidnapped her spoke English or not. If they spoke English it would make gathering information about her situation a lot easier.  And with good information that she could use, she could plan out her own rescue and escape.

As she continued to listen the door to the room she in opened and in walked a couple of girls. She could tell they were girls almost women based on their voices. She could also tell that whatever language they were speaking she could understand it as well. It didn't sound like English but she understood it none the less. Which was odd but because she was supposed to be gathering information in order to escape she placed that thought to the back of her mind.

"Do you think she is stay unconscious?" She heard one of the girls say. The girl sounded a bit familiar but Eve could not tell where she knew the girl that was speaking from. It was like a De Ju Vu feeling.

"Who knows and who cares!" Another girl put in. She also sounded liked someone Eve knew or at least heard before. "I am betting she is just faking it so she can skip work. The lazy slut."

Based on the two girls who had entered the room so far statement, Eve guessed it had to do with her and that puzzled her greatly. It sounded as if the other girls knew her well enough and were surprised but her presence. Which was strange if she had just been kidnapped and brought over. Was she not kidnapped after all? But then how did she ended up here? It was strange, so very strange.

"Shh..." A third girl voice joined the other two and Eve heard what appeared to be one of the large chests being opened. "Before Mai hear you guys."

Eve felt a jolt in her system. That name sounded extremely familiar but she could not tell why. Who was Mai and why did she sound important?

"Mai is in the next room over being smitten with that Rainer boy.  I am betting she doesn't even remember that her poor cousin has been laying in bed this whole time unconscious. That little whore." The second girl who had spoken said. The was a bit of bitterness in her voice. Eve had the feeling that this girl who she had decided to call girl B was more than likely in love with this Rainer boy and thus was jealous of this Mai person. And based on what she said it appeared that Mai was her cousin or something. But she didn't remember ever having a cousin named Mai. Who was Mai, she wanted to know badly.

"Oh my," The first girl that had spoken said. "Someone sounds a bit jealous."

"That's because no boy she likes ever like her back." The third girl joined in.

"Shutup!" The second girl shouted and the was laughter.

As the laughter died down, the door to the room opened and another person joined the group. Eve knew it must have been another girl and more than likely this Mai person that the others were talking about.

"What's so funny?" The newcomer asked as the door was reclosed and Eve felt another jolt to her system. The new person voice sounded just liked her cousin Ashley.

"Nothing Mai." The first girl, girl A, answered. "Just poking fun at Jalot."

"Yeah." The third girl spoke. "Jalot was being Jalot as usual."

"Hey!" The girl called Jalot shouted but the others appeared to be ignoring.

"Oh," Eve heard Ash/Mai says then a few seconds later she heard footsteps approached her bed then stopped.

"Has she woken up?" Ashely questioned the other girls. The was so much concern and love in her voice that Eve knew without a doubt that the person speaking was her cousin. "Faya?"

"No. She appeared to stay be unconscious but I have not checked to be honest." The first girl who Eve now knew was called Faya answered. "She could simply be sleeping. What happened anyways? Lady Crowu simply told us she wasn't going to be joining us at the inn this afternoon."

Eve heard Ash now Mai sighed. "I don't know we were watching the Lord and Lady Plugrey twins when she suddenly fell over and began to twitch uncontrollably. By the time we got her back here she had lost consciousness and have been this way since."

Eve hearing Mai story of what happened to placed her in this situation, felt her heart began to pound loudly in her chest. That was not what she remembered. Who was Lad Crowu, and the Plugrey? Who were these people and why was she watching some kids when her blackout had happened. None of this made sense. Yet at the same time, it sort of did. What if she had not been kidnapped? What if the reason she had lost consciousness and blacked out was that someone had been messing around with the timeline? And as time had changed she had felt it? She knew about the Mandela effect so maybe that was why she could recall a different of events than the ones her cousin was stating. Maybe it was also why she could understand whatever language they were speaking even though she knew it was not English. She had heard of this. The concept of time being changed and only a few people being able to remember what once used to be. Was that what was happening? The young woman wanted to know badly.

The was silence in the room then the third girl who name, Eve stay did not know yet spoke. "Do you think it was poison?" She asked. "Or black magic?"

The was another silence then Jelot spoke. "Don't be stupid Yangu! Who would want to poison a nobody like Tafa? And to use black as well? Please!"

"I never said it was meant for Tafa." The girl Yangua replied however before any of the other girls could response back to her statement, someone on the other side of the room door knocked three times and a male voice was heard.

"Hurry up! Lady Crowu is here and she brought food!"

"Coming!" Mai replied in kind and a few minutes later the room that was once filled with talking was once again silence as the girls existed back into the other room area.

Chapter 3

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