Monday, January 15, 2018

Plans for the week

So, last week I did a similar post like this one and like I stated I plan on doing a post like this every week. Not only does doing this help me plan ahead for the week but also give you the viewer an heads up of what is to come for the week. Now then let's get started.

Monday as usual this post will be posted. On tuesday I willbe posting about a song choice of mines for the week. On Wensday I have decided to do a post about how far I have come in my new years resolution now that about two weeks have gone by. On Thursday I will be giving my thoughts and theories on something that interest me for the week. On Friday I will be posting a personal advicce and on Saturday I will post chapter 3 for my ongoing online novel "Inhale and Breathe". And finally on Sunday I will simply be posting up a poem for the week. Everything will look something like below.

Monday = Plans of the week

Tuesday = Song Choice

Wensday = How far have I come in my resolution?

Thursday = My thoughts about....

Friday = Advice

Saturday = Inhale and Breathe chapter 3

Sunday = Poems

Well those are my plans for this week. Until my next post, later.

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