Monday, January 8, 2018

Plans for the Week

My plans for this week in regrades to this blog are many. Hopefully, all that I plan for this week will be accomplished.

So what are my plans for this week? Well, my plans for this week are very simple. On Monday which is today I plan on posting this post. On Tuesday I will be writing about my song choice of the week that I like and why.  On Wednesday I will be posting a family tree for the main character in Inhale and Breathe -my ongoing online series.  On Thursday I will be writing my thoughts on something that interested me this week. On Friday will be the day I post up an advice. On Saturday I will be posting the second chapter of my ongoing online series. And on Sunday I will be posting up a poem. So this week will go something like this below...

Monday = Plans for the week

Tuesday = Song choice of the week

Wednesday = Inhale and Breathe Main Character family tree

Thursday = Thoughts on...

Friday = Advice

Saturday = Inhale and Breathe Chapter 2

Sunday = Poems

So why am I letting you all know the plan ahead of time for the week? Well... so you the reader do not waste your time viewing posts you do not care about. Instead, you can know what days to expect a post you are interested in and visit this site on those days.  This is for this reason that this post exists and will exist again in the future. Thank you all for reading so far and have a good day.

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