Friday, January 19, 2018

Writing Advice 2

So this is something that I have learned since I decided that I am going to aim to write for a living. Right now I am not a full-time author but a part-time one. In other words, I work for a living because my writings are not great enough to gain me the readers I need to become a full-time author. I am hopeful, one day I will make it. At least that is my goal in life at the moment.

Anyways back to what I was saying. So this is something that I learned. And that something is that it is okay to delete a chuck or even a whole chapter of your story. Even if you have worked really hard on it and really really would hate to delete it and start all over again. Sigh. However, I have learned if that chuck or chapter just doesn't fit the overall story, delete it. It will hurt but in the long run, it will be worth it. After all a chapter or passage that causes your reader to go "What? This is stupid. That makes no sense!" is a chapter or passage not worth keeping. So delete it or if that is too hard placed it in a different word document away from the main story.

That is my writing advice for my fellow writers today. Thank you for reading and have a good day.

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