Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Inhale and Breathe

So, for my ongoing online story, I decided to make a family tree for the main character Eve Meloks. So far almost all of Eve's family members are stay alive. At least within the last three generations anyways. The reason I am creating a family tree so that you the reader- if you do follow and read "Inhale and Breathe" can at least know who is who and not get confused. Also to help me keep track of who is who and their relationship to Eve as well. -.-

Okay, let's get started. For the members of the first generation, Eve's grandparents on both sides of the family are stay alive. Their names are Lucy and Bill Meloks for her dad side of the family and Rachel and James Goodful for Eve's mom side of the family. Eve also has a couple of great aunts and uncles from both sides of the family, but they live in other states. She also has a great great grandmother that is stay alive and kicking in the state of Washington named Rose Mary Goodful.

For the second generation family members, Eve's aunt and uncles, on her father's side the are four. Their names are Lucy Meloks, Bill Meloks Jr, Paul Meloks, and May Meloks. On her mother's side, Eve has three aunts and one uncle. Their names are Sarah Goodful, Mary Goodful, Rachel Goodful and Peter Goodful jr. Eve's parents' names are Martha and James Meloks.

As for the third generation, which is the generation that main character sits in, the are forty members. Eve's has three cousin from her aunt May named Ashley or Ash, May and James. She has four from her uncle Paul named Justin, Peyton, Martha and Paul jr. She has five cousins from her uncle Bill named Trover, John, Ruth, Mary Anna, and Bill jr. As from her aunt Lucy she has seven cousins who name all started with L. Their names are Lucy, Luke, Levi, Leo, Logan, Leon, and Laurel. Three are adopted kids. In total Eve has nineteen cousins from her dad side of the family.

As for cousins on her mother side of the family that are a total of fifteen kids. Her aunt Sarah had five kids.  Her aunt Mary had three. Her aunt Rachel had four and her uncle Peter had three.  Eve's aunty Sarah kids names are Joesph, Sarah, Dan, Ruth, and Martha. Her three cousins from her aunt Mary are named Hanna, Keith, and Solomon. As for her uncle, Peter's kids their names are James, Levi, and Mark.  And finally but not least Bobby, Rose Mary, Rachel and Peter are the names of cousin birthed by her aunt Rachel.

Now Eve's own parents had six children together. The names of Eve's brothers and sisters are James, Sarah, Thomas, Rachel, and Anna Maria.

Yeah, Eve's family are large. Anyways below is a simple vision of her family tree. 

Eve's Family Tree

 Eve Meloks 

 Martha Meloks + James Meloks 

                                                         ↙                       ↘

                      Rachel Goodful + Peter Goodful                   Lucy Meloks + Bill Meloks 

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