Monday, January 22, 2018

Plans for the week

It is that time of the week again. That time when I do a plan for the week blog post. So here are my plans for this week.

On Monday I will be posting this post. On Tuesday as usual will be a post about my song choice of the week. On Wednesday I will be doing something a bit different as usual and be talking about my overall impression of blogging so far now that the month is almost to an end or something else. I stay have not decided on what exactly I will be posting on Wednesday. Thursday will be my thoughts on something or someone of interest. Friday will be advice day, all day. Saturday will be a post of the fourth chapter of my ongoing online novel "Inhale and Breathe" and Sunday will be a post on some poem I created this week. Below is how it will look like....

Monday = Plans of the week

Tuesday = Song choice of the week

Wednesday = Something different

Thursday = My thoughts on....

Friday = Advice

Saturday = Inhale and Breathe chapter 4

Sunday = Poem

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