Saturday, January 20, 2018

Inhale and Breathe

Chapter 3

While she waited for the others to return, Eve decided to explore the place she had found herself in. With time on her hands, she really took in the details that were surrounding her situation. She found that it was a lot stranger then she had thought.

The upon the walls in place of light balls, Eve found that there were little lanterns and in the middle of said lanterns were very thick candlesticks. The lanterns appeared like the kind used in historical dramas that her youngest sister loved to watch on the weekends. Nothing within the one bedroom home screamed or even hinted at a used of electricity. Which was strange but she guessed whoever took her did not want her getting in touch with someone and escaping. She could understand. If she was going to kidnap someone having a tech or electricity nearby would just be asking for the person to escape. Or at least giving their rescue attempts a higher chance of succeeding.

Now, of course, the thought did cross Eve mind that she might not have been kidnapped. After all what kidnapper leaves the doors unlock and have no one watching the place or her? Then she thought about the fact that the area she was in was not very familiar to her and thus the kidnappers knew this and guessed that she would be unable to escape since the area was a.) not familiar and b.) more then likely the residents did not speak English and thus could help her if she sorted help from them. Besides if that was not the reason why she was in this place then what other reason was there?

So ignoring the inconsistency in her theory that she was kidnapped, Eve decided to continued looking around the one bedroom apartment complex and see if the was anything she could use that could help her escape.

The first place she when in her exploration was the kitchen. She planned on location a knife for herself. Even though she didn't know if the people she was dealing with had a gun on hand, it didn't matter to her. Having a knife on hand helped her feel a bit confident. At least she had something to threaten her kidnappers with. And no she wasn't planning on attacking them, she was planning on threatening them with her own death. It appeared that they had kidnapped her for a reason and that reason ditches that she be kept alive. At least she thought so or she would have been killed while she was unconscious.

Locating a knife just the right size for herself in her opinion, Eve picked it up and continued forward. The next place she searched next was the chests in the one bedroom house. More precisely the ones by the bedroom she had awoken in doorway.

Opening up the first one, she found what appeared to be three small chests with locks on them inside. The second one was also the same as well. Small chests within the large one. It was odd. Closing the chests back up, the young woman then processes to see what was in the large black pots and found what appeared to be someone pee inside. The smell gives it away. Eve guessed that since this place did not appear to have a restroom, these pots were set aside for bathroom use.

Leaving the living/kitchen/sort of second bedroom area, Eve returned to the room that she awoke in and process to check the chests within. She was curious as to if all the large chests had small chests within and if so were they all locked? Opening the first chest in the bedroom that she had awoken in, Eve found it just liked the others. Smalls chests within the large one and all lock. Opening the second one, however, she found that things were a bit different. The were two small chests which locks appeared unlocked. Happy at discovering something different, Eve opened the first small chest closest to her that was unlocked. To her not surprise she found clothes within. They were all dresses, blouses and skirts from what she could see. It appeared whoever this chest belonged to was a girl. Closing the chest, she moved on to the next chest and found the seem thing. A bunch of female clothes.

Finally learning a bit about the persons she appeared to be sharing a room with, Eve closed the last chest and process to check the wall. Now that she knew that the others with her were ladies based on the chests, she became to come to a conclusion as to why she might have been kidnapped even though she was a nobody in her opinion. Maybe she had been kidnapped by a sex slave ring? But why? She was black and most sex slaves ring loved to kidnap White or Asian females instead. So why would one kidnap her? It was just surreal but what other explanation could she come up with for being taken out of her hospital room?

Ignoring the implication of her conclusions for a moment, Eve approached the black spots on the wall across from the bed she had been laying in. She wanted to see if the walls really were covered in black mold. If she was going to be in this place for a while she planned to know if the was a chance that she was going to become sick during the time length. And if it really was black mold she planned on removing it or at least avoiding it like the plague. It was track season. She was one of the star track runners at her university and thus she could not afford to become sick.

Starring at the black spot with all her might, Eve pondered on whether the black substance was black mold or not. It was while she was staring at the mold that she heard a door opened. A few seconds later she heard voices and footsteps coming from the direction of the front door to the place she was in. It appeared her roommates where back. Tossing the black spots a glare one last time, Eve quickly ran back to the bed she had first awoken in and laid back down. She decided the best approach at the moment was to pretend to be asleep and figure what was really going on. Information at the moment was key to figuring out her situation before doing anything just yet.

Chapter 2

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