Saturday, February 24, 2018

Inhale and Breathe

Chapter 5

Without the other girls in the room, Eve opened her eyes and slowly relaxed her tense muscles. She felt a headache coming on. All of her conclusions, her assumptions it appeared were wrong. She wasn't here because she was kidnapped. She was here because it seems that she belonged. But how could she belong to this place? How was she able to understand the language that sounded nothing like English?  Why didn't she appeared to have any memories whatsoever of belonging here? But more importantly, why did she remember that first timeline, to her it appeared to be a timeline change, and how was she going to return back to it? Who did she have to find, punch and take a time machine from to return things to normal?

"Yeah right," The young woman muttered. "It can't be that easy."

Okay, what had she learned so far? 

Friday, February 16, 2018

Life Advice

Life is simple.

We just sometimes make it more complexed.

So stop thinking life is hard and realize it is a lot simpler then you believed.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Song Choice of the Week

My song choice of this week is "Promises" by Nero. I love the beat and the artist's voice. It was also a great song to dance to. So for this week, my song choice is "Promises".

Monday, February 12, 2018

Plans for the Week

So after thinking about it for awhile and really pondering it, I have come to a conclusion. I can not afford to post every single day due to other life situations. Thus I have decided to change things up a bit. I have decided to try posting five times a week instanced of seven times a week. Thus my plans for this week are going to look a bit different then what I usually post on Mondays. Let's get started.

On Monday, as usual, will be a post about my plans for the week. On Tuesday will be a post about my song choice of the week. On Wednesday and Thursday however, due to life reasons, I will be taking a break. I do hope to someday return to finishing my experiments that I started on those days but for now, I will be putting them aside. On Friday will be a post on Advice. On Saturday will be a post about something else other than my ongoing novel since I am currently trying to focus on the novel that I am writing and do not want to mix the two up together. Character-wise I mean. And on Sunday it will be a poem as usual. So this week will look something like this.

Monday = Plans of the Week

Tuesday = Song Choice of the Week

Wednesday = Day off

Thursday = Day off

Friday = Advice

Saturday = Whatever

Sunday = Poem

Sunday, February 11, 2018


Blink and you will miss it

The truth is staring you in the face

The pieces are all provided 

The puzzle is not as impossible as you think

Blink however and you will miss it

Blink and you will miss the full picture

So don't blink when you are staring death in the face

Or you lose

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Oh hold

So I have my first novel deadline coming up and in order to foucs on it I am taking a breaking from writing my ongoing online story. Once I have published this novel that I am writing or if I hit a writers block I will return to writing "Inhale and Breathe". Until further ado "Inhale and Breathe" will be on hold. I will stay continued to post on here but I will be cutting down on the amount that I do post.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Experiment 1

So as you may all remember if you read my post on research paper 1 is that I concluded that the reason why the hair products currently being produced are not working on black women hair is because of the oil ratio in the products. And thus I have decided to experiment and see if my thesis was correct. For today post, however, I will simply be posting up the ingredients that I will be using for this experiment. 


  • Coconut oil 
  • Water 
  • Cetearyl alcohol 
  • Cetrimonium chloride
  • Dimethicone
  • Castor oil
  • Polyguatamium-7
  • Glycerin
  • Citric acid 
  • Titanium dioxide
  • Methylchloroisothiazolinone 
  • Methylisothiazolinone
  • Macadamia oil
  • Panthenol
  • Aloe
These are the ingredients I have decided to use in my experiment. Hopefully, they yield something.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Song Choice of the Week

My song choice for this week is "I remember" by Tristan. I found this song when I was browsing youtube and came upon a GMA video for Nier Automata. It was beautiful both the song and the video. It was lovely in that dreamlike kind of a way. Anyways the video is down below.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Plans for this Week

Yes! Another day and another week! So this week is a very simple week. Nothing too grand or special about it. Anyways this is my plans for this week.

On Monday, as usual, will be this post about my plans for the upcoming days in this week. On Tuesdays will be a post about a song that I just am loving for this week. On Wednesday and Thursday, it will be a continuation of my experiment that I started last week by writing a paper. On Friday it will be a post about some advice and on Saturday will be a post on the next chapter in my ongoing online novel. And finally, on Sunday, I will be posting up a poem. These are my plans for this week.

Monday = Plans for the week

Tuesday = Song Choice

Wednesday = Experiment project

Thursday = Experiment project

Friday = Advice

Saturday = Inhale and Breathe chapter 6

Sunday = poem

Sunday, February 4, 2018


Baby yellow blue
Winter is coming 
It shall be long and Texas shall have snow like Canada do
Baby yellow blue
Save up, save up
The earth shall provide less food
Baby yellow blue 
Winter is coming

Friday, February 2, 2018

Love advice 1

Sometimes love suck and the one you loves sometimes turns out to be not so great. But that is okay at least you loved and that is all that matters. At least you loved.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Research Paper 1 Part 2

So, last time I talked about hair follicles and how they not only affects how a person's hair is shaped but also the density, thickness and growth rate of said hair. Today I will be talking about how a person's hair follicles also affect a hair dryness as well. 

Now, what causes dryness? Dryness is usual cause by either one hair not making enough oil or the hair inability to keep in moisture. The first reason why a hair might not be producing enough oil for the hair is that of the thickness of said hair and the density as well. The second reason has to do with damages done to a person's hair due to the usage of the wrong product over a period of time. Today I will be discussing the first reason why a hair made be dry.

Now the scalp is producing oil but because an individual hair string is thicker it usually requires more oil to moisturize it. Add to that that most thick hairs are also density and you have those with thicker hair strings being more prone to dryness and in turn breakage. This also applies to density. The more hair a person has on their head the less oil from the scalp the is to cover the whole area. For instead remember how Hermione from the harry potter movies when she was younger used to have this very thick hair that was also prone to frizzing? Yeah, it was because her hair was dry due to being both thick and denser. In other words, the human scalp can only produce a limited amount of oil.

So what does this all mean? Well if you would notice most people of Asian descents has less density and their hair strings are usually not very thick. They are also known for having sleek hair. This is due to the fact that the amount of hair oil being produced by their scalps are enough to cover the not very thick and less dense hair upon their heads. So you may not have realized it but when you think Asian hair you usually envision thin, straight and sleek hair.

Now as you would recall from our last post, Asain hair is usually straight to wavy, less dense and grow faster. Asian hair is then followed by Caucasian hair which is usually wavy to curly, bit denser then Asain hair and grow at a slower rate than a Asain person hair. Then last but not least you have Afro hair which is light curly to very very curly, more denser and grows a lot more slower.

So what does this have to do with anything? Well as you may remember the thicker and denser a hair the less oil is actually able to be created in order to cover the whole head leading to dryness. In order words, I am proposing that the reason that some of the products being created by the hair beauty industry are able to work on some black women hair and not others is due to the amount of oil ratio in said products. What I am saying is that these hair products could work the same for Afro women as it does Caucasian women if the oil ratio was increased in said products.

This is my experiment for this month to recreate the products that are found on the shelves in the stores pertaining to hair but with the ratio of oil in said product being high then what is usually being used. This is my experiment. I look forward to seeing if my hypothesis is correct or not.

My thoughts on....Nice Guys

So, I was browsing the internet when I came across the "Nice guy" issue. Anyways I got interested in the debate. I read many po...