Monday, February 12, 2018

Plans for the Week

So after thinking about it for awhile and really pondering it, I have come to a conclusion. I can not afford to post every single day due to other life situations. Thus I have decided to change things up a bit. I have decided to try posting five times a week instanced of seven times a week. Thus my plans for this week are going to look a bit different then what I usually post on Mondays. Let's get started.

On Monday, as usual, will be a post about my plans for the week. On Tuesday will be a post about my song choice of the week. On Wednesday and Thursday however, due to life reasons, I will be taking a break. I do hope to someday return to finishing my experiments that I started on those days but for now, I will be putting them aside. On Friday will be a post on Advice. On Saturday will be a post about something else other than my ongoing novel since I am currently trying to focus on the novel that I am writing and do not want to mix the two up together. Character-wise I mean. And on Sunday it will be a poem as usual. So this week will look something like this.

Monday = Plans of the Week

Tuesday = Song Choice of the Week

Wednesday = Day off

Thursday = Day off

Friday = Advice

Saturday = Whatever

Sunday = Poem

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