Monday, February 5, 2018

Plans for this Week

Yes! Another day and another week! So this week is a very simple week. Nothing too grand or special about it. Anyways this is my plans for this week.

On Monday, as usual, will be this post about my plans for the upcoming days in this week. On Tuesdays will be a post about a song that I just am loving for this week. On Wednesday and Thursday, it will be a continuation of my experiment that I started last week by writing a paper. On Friday it will be a post about some advice and on Saturday will be a post on the next chapter in my ongoing online novel. And finally, on Sunday, I will be posting up a poem. These are my plans for this week.

Monday = Plans for the week

Tuesday = Song Choice

Wednesday = Experiment project

Thursday = Experiment project

Friday = Advice

Saturday = Inhale and Breathe chapter 6

Sunday = poem

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