Friday, December 28, 2018

My thoughts on....Nice Guys

So, I was browsing the internet when I came across the "Nice guy" issue. Anyways I got interested in the debate. I read many posts and writing on the matter. Yet no matter who was writing about the subject be it a guy or girl the was always this question that was posed to the writer. That question was why do girls hate so call "Nice guys" when they are always stating they want a nice guy. Well, I thought about this question and since no one I have read has addressed the question in a way that really answer the question -some came close-, I decided to give it a try.

Okay, the reason why girls hate so call "Nice guys" is simply because of the reason behind why the boy is being nice in the first place. See most so-called nice guys are nice to girls they like and hope to someday date. So why would a girl hate a guy like that? Well, that is because he is labeling himself as nice but that is not his true character. If that so-called "Nice guy" did not like that girl he would not be doing nice or considerate things for her. In other words, girls hate so-called nice guys because they are falsely advertising their character as something they are not. If they were truly nice then it would not matter if the girl they are being nice to like them or not. They would stay be nice and considerate. In other words, their character will not change. But their characters do change and girls see that and understand and thus avoid these type of males.

So yeah that is the reason why girls don't like so-called nice guys because they come off as liars. Liars who lie about their true character. Their true character being that of a manipulative opportunist who pretends to be nice but only so they can receive something in return and not because they are a kind, good and consider person no matter what or who they are dealing with. Because let's be honest will most of those so-called nice guys be as helpful if the person they were helping wasn't someone they were crushing on? Of course not.

My thoughts on....Nice Guys

So, I was browsing the internet when I came across the "Nice guy" issue. Anyways I got interested in the debate. I read many po...